Thursday, November 19, 2009

My Life When I accepted Jesus as my saviour..

My name is Samson and I live in Chennai[INDIA].At this point I am already afraid that I will be boring you to death, but bear with me and I promise you my story is not one of the usual ones.I apologize in advance for any spelling or grammatical errors.I am a native of Vizag -ANDHRA PRADESH [INDIA].I spent the first 22 years of my life in ANDHRA PRADESH struggling through the school system and trying desperately to establish an identity for myself. My father died when I was 23.Cause of death: Heart Attack(I stood right in front of him / quite a traumatic experience).He used to be the driving force in my life. A strong authority figure with some definite ideas about how I was supposed to spend the rest of my life. We had our differences ( to put it mildly ) but I loved him anyway and often I wish now that he could be here to give me some advice. Needless to say, after his death the pressure was off and I was able to live my life the way I wanted to.At that point it this was not necessarily a good thing. I probably could have used some more guidance at least for a couple of years, but I was on my own and tried to make the "best" of it. My mother attempted to fill my father's shoes the best she could, but she was not as strong as he was and I decided to go my own way. Today I am not very proud of the way I acted after my father's death. Surely my mother could have used some support and a shoulder to cry on. My sister who is elder to me is ready for marriage but we are not having enough money for her marriage . Any how we struggled and made her marriage . She is happy now with one child [Tinku]. I was just like all when my father was with me , doing all naughty works. I used to have many girl friends ...slowly as i was growing i learned how i need to be. As am from a poor family i used to be happy from what we have.My father loves me very much even though i used to bring daily one fight at our house . In my childhood when i used to watch any horror movie then night I was unable sleep then my hero was my papa i used to hug him and sleep happily. He gave his hand till i completed degree and after that his sweet memories.After my completion of degree all my fathers responsibility is mine now.But no where I got a Job or I know any one in the Hyderabad , which is the capital city for us.I completed My B.Tech Degree in 2004 and started hunting for jobs in the capital city.My mom didn't allowed me to go but I should if not I cant keep food for my mom and take care of her health. I started journey knowing that i don't know whom to meet in the city. I met few friends in the city , all are new to me but nice experience. With their help I got small shade only for my clothes and for me only on the outside floor. Am happy atleast I got that , now my aim is getting a job . But how to get it , I don't have enough money as i came to city with 300 i can stay only for 2 days . Whole night i didn't slept , in the mid night some of my friends came working as a catering Boys. They sat near me , told that some times they will get offer for catering if any functions are available for which owner will provide 100 rupees and food for that time. So i requested them to inform me if any chance for me. I even got job offer in petrolbunk with one time food by owner . I used to get 2500 rupees in which i used to send 1500 to My Mom . I faced so many days without food only water and used to go to tea shop for reading news papers for any job vacancy. One Sunday all My friends were going to church then i too went with them . That is the day My life started changing. Slowly i stopped all my habits and started praying . I had all my Hope only on Jesus , I got lecturer job for which i need to do 6 hours journey daily. But no issue i started my career . For there i was fully strengthened through prayers and God was with me always. I got Baptized and accepted my life in Him. he is everything to me . Today am happy with my wife blessed by My Jesus. He is the strength to me , i cannot explain how much critical situations i faced and how Jesus helped me . I will mention all these again in my next Blog.